
Awesome Dear People Who Smoke

Hey guys this is my favorit





I don’t know if you have considered this but stop smoking in areas where people are forced to wait at. Don’t smoke at crosswalks. Don’t smoke outside doorways. Don’t smoke at bus stops. People with asthma or other breathing conditions or people that idk DON’T WANT TO BREATHE IN YOUR CIGARETTE SMOKE are trying to get to places and need to be able to breathe. Stop smoking in crowded areas. stop smoking in crowded areas. STOP FORCING NONSMOKERS TO SECOND HAND SMOKE. 

please im begging you. i feel like im dying every time i go into the city and smokers are on every corner. i cant breathe

Can’t you just like….not stand right next to the person smoking a cigarette?

Can’t you just like, wait until you’re not around someone to smoke? Like Jesus, I smoke damn near a pack a day and I have the basic human decency to not smoke around non smokers because it just the polite thing to do. Why is asking smokers to be considerate of others such a big deal? Would you want someone forcing you to not smoke? I didn’t think so. So why would you want to force someone to inhale your cigarette smoke?

And don’t smoke in marked non-smoking areas! Especially if the building owner has told you multiple times NOT TO SMOKE THERE.

from paulinaganucheau

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