
Awesome vampireapologist: vampireapologist: okay just stay with me for a second and think about kids ...

Hey guys this is my favorit



okay just stay with me for a second and think about kids whose parents drop them off at conventions or even chaperone them at conventions.

I hear kids now a’days say stuff like “I hope my mom doesn’t see anything weird while she’s dropping me off,” and I find out they define weird as a bearded man in a seifuku or a Jojo cosplayer.

In 2007 you had to pray to god your dad didn’t pull up the the convention center to see Sasuke Uchiha bent over, both hands on the ground, ass in the sky, bracing himself as a Kingdom Hearts character raises a yaoi paddle behind their damn head, readying the swing.

like I am by NO means saying conventions aren’t still wildly surreal reaches deep into a very humid corner of hell

but we’ve definitely managed to claw our way from the inner-circle to maybe, like, the third level.

from paulinaganucheau

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