
Awesome crossroadswrite: crossroadswrite: i hate when girls tell me they’re ugly, like no i have a ...

Hey guys this is my favorit



i hate when girls tell me they’re ugly, like no i have a phd on girls and it says right here in my 500 page thesis that you’re beautiful like how dare you question me i spent 10 years in higher education to get this phd??? rude??????

hey this post is getting some traction, and i just want to inform y’all,,,, that i have written a follow-up thesis, it’s 800 pages and expands on chapter 6 of my original tesis which clearly states that trans girls and people who only feel like girls sometimes are also good and beautiful and worthy and i love them too,,,,,,,,,,,, thank u for listening to me,,,,,,, please stay tuned for my follow up ted talk

from paulinaganucheau

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