
Awesome exigetspersonal: kommandanthydra: people woobifying medic and making him this frail weak pitiful...

Hey guys this is my favorit



people woobifying medic and making him this frail weak pitiful creature that’s useless without heavy


have u seen him run around the battlefield and saw through people

  • Medic is the only person who has such respect from the strongest man on the team (ie. Heavy) that he can grab his cheek and tell him “don’t be such a baby” without being broken in half
  • That’s right, he pinched Heavy’s cheeks and called him a baby and he didn’t do shit to him because he commands that much respect
  • In game, the Medic is the second-fastest class by default, outpaced only by Scout
  • That’s right, he’s the second-fastest class next to Scout, even taking into account the fact that he’s probably twice his age, and the fact that he carries that heavy-ass Medigun Backpack around
  • Seriously that thing must weigh 50 lbs do you think Scout could carry that shit
  • yeah I don’t think so
  • Took the very common fear of needles and weaponized that shit
  • Took an ordinary bonesaw for the original purpose of amputation and weaponized that shit
  • Took a bust that says ‘DO NO HARM’ and WEAPONIZED THAT SHIT
  • You don’t fuck with the Medic
  • You just don’t
  • Because he knows he’s a priority target
  • He knows you think he’s helpless
  • And he’ll take full advantage of your stupidity

from paulinaganucheau

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