
Awesome altrightbot: thivus: do u think when overwatch was shutdown in the games lore there was an alex...

Hey guys this is my favorit



do u think when overwatch was shutdown in the games lore there was an alex jones type guy calling them globalist scum and trying to link them to some george soros equivalent

THESE PEOPLE - and GOD i use the term PEOPLE very loosely here - THESE PEOPLE have been involved in FALSE FLAG ATTACKS on sovereign states before under the cover of “alleged omnic attacks”. OMNICS, of course, activated ON PURPOSE, ON DEMAND, by OMNICA CORPORATION whenever overwatch needed a smokescreen! overwatch, you’re thinking their headquarters are in switzerland but i’ll tell you right away, folks, overwatch is run out of BRUSSELS. the WHORE of BABYLON. now I KNEW ALL OF THIS, back in 2030, before it was declassified. THEY LAUGHED AT ME! they got this occult wing, BLACKWATCH they call it, not even TRYING to hide it, absolute sickos. dress up as COWBOYS and have GAY ORGIES with their globalist pals. i know that the united nations are just as satanic, if not more, people. but that petras act is looking just about great right now.

*cuts to super nano cola vitality ad*

from paulinaganucheau

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