
Awesome someoneintheshadow446: thathighclassbitch: I dont mean to sound like a douche or whatever ...

Hey guys this is my favorit



I dont mean to sound like a douche or whatever but…ive noticed how toxic a lot of lesbians on here are? Hate against bi people? Lesbians. Hate against trans people? Lesbians. Hate against gay guys? Lesbians.

Ive honestly never really seen a gay guy do any of this. Of course, it has happened, but so little that its barely noticeable as a group thing but rather as an individual thing.

Its also always radfems tho so its not like your average gay gal would really do this.

Because Tumblr seems to attract awful people from all areas. It just so happens that the bad lesbians who make life harder for the good ones love to congregate here for some reason. 

Political lesbians and radfem lesbians are a blight on the LGBT community. I can imagine most lesbians are ashamed to associate with those idiots. 

from paulinaganucheau

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