
Awesome Listen my dudes

Hey guys this is my favorit



If the waiter served you a pile of crap you wouldn’t “ironically” leave them a tip because the service was that bad.

Don’t go see The Emoji Movie “ironically” and give Sony money for crap. Pirate it, torrent it, steal tickets from some poor unsuspecting sap who already paid, anything but actually giving this godawful movie money.

Do you guys know why citizen kane nearly bombed at the box office? A movie classic that to this day is considered to be one of the greatest movies of all time actually didn’t do so well. You know why? It was because a man, a powerful man who’s name I can’t remember decided to publish in the newspapers that he owned to not go see the movie, because the movie personally offended him, sound familiar? So because some sad sap didn’t like a movie the talented artists behind a masterpiece were never paid in what they deserved. So go see the emoji movie, don’t repeat history

Kek, spot the triggered libtard over here

from paulinaganucheau

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