
Awesome blackjackgabbiani: boyonetta: lukeatmey: boyonetta: like i honestly really miss the early ...

Hey guys this is my favorit





like i honestly really miss the early days of internet fandom when discourse over shipping wasn’t a fucking thing. i grew up in that time period, i was raised on the mantra “don’t like, don’t read,” and so were millions of other people.

guess what, we turned out fine, reading/writing/being exposed to problematic ships didn’t turn us into rapists and murderers, that’s not how it works. we were (and still are) perfectly capable of distinguishing between actual abusers/criminals and regular people who had a firm grasp on fiction vs. reality.

y’all have just kind of. made up. this idea that consuming/creating odd or problematic content makes someone a bad person and will slowly rot their mind over time. that’s 100% made up. like. it’s not a real thing, guys. it wasn’t even a fake thing when i was growing up (although people did make the same argument against violent media around that time), it wasn’t any kind of thing. no one gave a fuck what you shipped unless it was their notp, then maybe they might start a shipping war over which ship was superior (or just send you a nasty message).

shipping wasn’t some weird battle of moral superiority, it was just fiction. it’s still just fiction, only now y’all are dead set on ruining it for everyone.

bonus round: we grew up on sites that didn’t offer nearly as many ways to protect oneself from triggering content or content one deemed unsavory. we had tags/content warnings on fanfic sites and that’s about it.

sorry you can’t get off on child porn without getting yelled at anymore sandra

i’ve seen some really bad and insensitive responses to csa survivors talking about anti-shipping but this is probably the worst. silence yourself, you evil gremlin.

@lukeatmey again, fiction. No children involved.

from paulinaganucheau

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